Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Jacob - 17 months

I feel like the worlds worst mom. These mirthdays keep flying by and I hardly even flinch! Ugh! I realized it was his 17 month mirthday in the car around 4:30 yesterday, so I immediately snapped a picture when we got home because I was off to bootcamp. He obviously wasn't in the mood to take a picture, but I like this one because its a true resemblance of what he's like these days. Totally rambunctious and super FUN!
Age: 17 months
Height: (don't go back until 18 months)
Weight: (don't go back until 18 months)
Milestones: He's starting to learn animal sounds, even though he can't say "cow" he knows that THIS is a cow and it says "moo." His favorite animal right now is the elephant; he sees elephants EVERYWHERE! And immediately goes "brrrrr." It's sooo cute!! I bought him an elephant toy in the dollar spot yesterday and he literally trumpeted the entire trip. I'm constantly just naming things, basic things, EVERYTHING, shapes, colors, animals, sounds. I can tell he's catching on, so I think it's working. I worry a lot that we aren't teaching him the right stuff, so this is reassurance to me. He's also starting to climb on everything. I found him ON the coffee table the other day. What the heck?! He's also trying to jump, it's so cute...he never actually leaves the ground, but he bends his knees and bounces a little bit. I also put his stool in front of the bathroom sink and he loves getting up there and looking at himself in the mirror. I'm trying to make teeth brushing more fun (so far NOT his favorite thing), so I thought watching would be good. We'll see...
Sleep: It's funny how last month I was bragging about his awesome sleep, and then he goes through a Wonder Week (and the time changes- ugh) and now we're ALL over the place. He wasn't sleeping more than 10-11 hours for a while there, but he's finally back to sleeping 12 hours at night. Naps are generally around 1 and last 1.5 hours.
Eating: Mealtime is still my least favorite time of the day. I have to constantly change up what we eat, and how we eat it, otherwise he has no interest in eating.
Clothes size: 18-24mo in Old Navy and Gap, but otherwise he's in 24mo or 2T.
Diaper size: Size 5 Cruisers
Best Moment: we've done a lot of fun stuff this month. I'm really glad he got to spend a weekend alone with Josh and bond. I'm trying to do little things away from the house for them to bond more.
Worst Moment: I honestly can't think of one. Great month!
Favorite toy: This is getting harder and harder. He's really loving his slide in the backyard lately, and now that its actually cooler we've spent a lot of time outdoors. He loooves running around the backyard.
Teeth: 8 total, still no molars! Shoot me now!
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving and starting to decorate for Christmas.. Holidays with kids are SO MUCH MORE FUN!

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