Saturday, August 4, 2012

Must Have - Monkey Bouncer

I just have to share this with all the mommies out there... 

The Fisher Price Monkey Bouncer has been such a lifesaver for us! We happen to have a very high maintenance needy child, who doesn't like to be put down, so finding something he'll actually play/sit in is a miracle! Around 5 weeks he started loving this thing, and will now spend 30-40 minutes in it! SUCH a blessing when mommy needs to finally eat lunch at 3pm. We also put him in it when we eat dinner and we can actually eat together now! 

It has flashing lights and catchy music that can run continuously in a 20 minute loop (I hear this music in my sleep now), and a booty vibrator that Jacob loves! 

Anyways, I highly recommend this item! It won't be a waste of money, promise!

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