Sunday, May 10, 2015

Judson - 5 months

Age: 5 months

Height: we don't go back until next month

Weight: we don't go back until next month 

Milestones: this little boy is really turning into a baby lately- he's talking ALL the time, rolling, grabbing everything (including mommy's coffee!), giggling, laughing, enjoying independent time with his brother, he loves playing on his playmat still, he loves the jumperoo, loves spending time in his Bumbo, loves loves loves his big brother, he sits with us at dinner time in his highchair and loves watching us. He got an outdoor swing for Easter from his Coco, and he LOVES swinging! He really is such a happy, easy-going baby! He's also starting sitting up unassisted pretty well! He's still kinda wobbly, so I have to sit right by him, but he sits upright.

Sleep: Judd is such a good sleeper! He's now sleeping 7:15pm-7am, and he still wakes once at night to eat, but goes right back to sleep. He naps 3-4 times during the day; usually 2 good naps (1.5-2 hours) and 1 short nap (45 mins - 1 hour). On days when he doesn't take great naps, or wakes early from his afternoon nap, we'll let him take a short catnap in the evenings. AND! He's completely out of the swaddle now! Woohoo! Life is so much easier without the swaddle! Current schedule is here. And I'll also note that were about to attempt sleep training again. 

Eating: I'm pretty sure Judd just went through a growth spurt, because he started waking up twice at night to eat and was eating longer during the day. But I think he's through it now, and back to eating 5x each day (for about 10 min) and once during the night. I also started solids with him this past week, and he's doing great! So far he's only had banana with breastmilk, but he loves it!

Clothes size: we just moved him to 9-month clothes

Diaper size: size 3
Teeth: none! but I am not looking forward to the day he gets teeth, because he already gnaws on my nipples with his gums and it HURTS!

Favorite toy: he still really loves his Sophie, but he also really loves his jumperoo now too!

Likes: oh gosh, this little boy just loves watching everything! he's so observant. he loves (LOVES) watching his big brother, loves watching his puppy dogs, loves watching me talk, and loves looking at himself in the mirror. he also loves diaper changes and chatting on the changing pad. he also loves being outside, swinging and lounging on our laps.

Dislikes: being overtired or hungry

Personality: Judd really is such a sweet, happy, easy-going baby! He definitely has his moments, but for the most part he's very laid-back.

Best moment: we had a fun month! going to big brother's open house, riding on Thomas!, celebrating Cousin Autumn's FIRST birthday!, and my first Mother's Day as a mommy of two.

Worst moment: I hate that we regressed and started eating again at night, but my mama heart just couldn't handle the crying any more. And knowing that he's my last baby makes it ok.

Looking forward to: Big brother's THIRD birthday (and party), lots of outdoor time, and hopefully meeting his namesake!

How is Jacob adjusting?: Jacob is good. He's a good good boy, and a pretty typical (if not good) nearly 3 year old. Love that sweet kid!

I will also note that we switched BACK to Prevacid. Nexium gave Judd awful tummy pains, constipation and eventual diarrhea. So far it seems to be working just fine for him.

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