Saturday, August 3, 2013

Advocare 24 day challenge: days 1-3

Hi everyone, and Happy Saturday!

I've been compiling this post for you since Thursday, as I'm going to try and group posts with the Advocare products I'm taking. As you know, I started the Advocare 24-day challenge on Thursday, August 1, and I'm already starting to feel changes. I'll definitely do a recap post at the end, with before/after pictures and weight loss totals, etc. I'm so excited to see the end results!

Anyways...below is a General Food Overview for the entire challenge, plus a quick Product Summary for days 1-3, along with my Meal Plans for all 3 days. I'll continue to do this throughout the 24 days.

General Food Overview.
The general daily food recommendations are 3-4 servings of protein (4-6oz/serving), 6-8 servings of fruits/vegetables (1 cup raw or cooked OR 2 cups leafy greens/serving) and half your body weight in ounces of water (i.e. 150lbs/2=75lbs, so 75oz of water/day). They also recommend eliminating salt, sugar, alcohol, processed foods and white flour.

I found these salad dressings/marinades by Walden Farms, that I definitely do not feel bad using! And dare I say- they're even good?!

I marinade my tuna steaks in the sesame ginger one, and I've been using the honey dijon one or balsamic vinegar as salad dressings. I just put fresh cracked black pepper on my chicken, and I've been happy with that so far. I'm sure I'll have to come up with something new later.

Advocare Product Schedule: Days 1-3.
Upon rising: Spark ((they recommend taking it with 8oz of water, but I prefer it with 16oz of water))
Pre-breakfast: fiber drink ((again, they recommend this to be taken with 8oz of water, but I've been advised to take it with 4oz of water plus 4oz LITE orange juice. Lite is so important to avoid unnecessary sodium and sugar. I got the Kroger brand LITE orange juice- it has 40 calories, 10mg of sodium and 9g of sugars per 8oz.))
Breakfast: high protein with 2 OmegaPlex and 8oz of water
Mid-morning: snack with 8oz of water
Lunch: veggies/fruits with lean protein and complex carbs and 8oz of water
Mid-afternoon: Spark, snack and 8oz of water
Dinner: lean protein and veggies with 3-4 OmegaPlex and 8oz of water
Bedtime: Herbal Cleanse Tablets and 8oz of water

Day 1: Meal Plan.
Breakfast: oatmeal with frozen fruit ((I put the frozen fruit at the bottom of the oatmeal and cook it all together, helps thaw out the fruit and makes the oatmeal taste extra yummy! On the cleanse, you're really supposed to limit your dairy intake. I general drink 16oz of milk per day plus cheese and yogurt, so eliminating it completely was a bit of a shock. I plan to make my oatmeal with milk and will drink a small amount with dinner.))
Mid-morning snack: rice cake (lightly salted) with almond butter and strawberries
Lunch: salad with tuna steak, dried cranberries and hazelnuts with balsamic vinegar dressing
Mid-afternoon snack: whole cucumber and a handful of prunes
Dinner: grilled chicken breast with long grain rice and grilled zucchini

Day 2: Meal Plan.
Breakfast: egg white omelet with fresh spinach and salsa
Mid-morning snack: rice cake with almond butter and strawberries
Lunch: salad with chicken, tomatoes, zucchini, carrots and almonds with balsamic vinegar dressing
Mid-afternoon snack: avocado with salsa
Dinner: crockpot salsa chicken over leftover rice and avocado (recipe)

Day 3: Meal Plan.
Breakfast: egg white omelet with fresh spinach and sauteed mushrooms and onions, and salsa
Mid-morning snack: 1/4 cup sliced almonds
Lunch: salad with leftover salsa chicken and a spoon-full of salsa
Mid-afternoon snack: greek yogurt with granola and fresh berries
Dinner: spaghetti with ground turkey and mushrooms on (a small amount of) whole wheat noodles (plus a healthy-sized side salad)

Random Tips.
One: meal plan. meal plan. meal plan.- I cannot stress this enough. You do not want 8pm to roll around, and not have anything to eat. That is the quickest way to fall off your plan, and into a cheeseburger. I made this menu (bottom right) from a magnetic plastic frame from Hobby Lobby and I update it every week with breakfast, lunch and dinner. That way, I have no excuse to "forget" what we're supposed to eat or "forget" what food we have.
Two: put out all the Advocare products that you will be using for that week or day. I have all the cleanse products out on my counter, easily accessible to me. I also put a little motivation note on the box (only 10 days) to help me through it.
Three: print out this timeline and highlight all the Advocare products. As you're plowing through your day, it can be very easy to forget products and overlook them on this sheet. Highlight them, so you can't do that.

**These tips are obviously meant for people that work at home or stay home, so if you're normal and actually work in an office- I would recommend preparing your breakfast and lunch as best you can the night before, and putting all the products for the day in your work bag ahead of time. Do not rely on your morning-self to meal prep and remember all the products you need.**

If you have any questions, please shoot them my way. I'm happy to help however I can!

The products change during the next 4 days, so I'll post again on Wednesday with more info/details.

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