We had been talking about “starting to try” on our 3-year anniversary trip to Jamaica, so that was a fun vacation. :) Upon our return, I missed my period. I didn’t think we were actually pregnant because no one gets pregnant THAT easy! So, the day I missed my period I took a few (5) home pregnancy tests, and they all came back negative. After I was 1 week late, I called my doctor and scheduled a blood test, which also came back negative. At this point I was almost 2 weeks late and really concerned/worried! I was throwing my best friend’s bachelorette party that weekend, so I knew I would be drinking and didn’t know what to do. I talked to the most accessible nurse I know, my mom, and she told me to stop worrying and have fun. So, I did just that – drank, ate, etc. I started my period that Sunday. I have to say, I was surprisingly upset. I didn’t realize how badly I wanted a baby until then.
So, we kept trying and about a month later I missed my period AGAIN! I took a home pregnancy test, which said negative again. I was about a week late when I started my period. I was even more upset this time, thinking about all my ovulation testing…maybe I’m timing it wrong, maybe we didn’t do it enough, etc… Then, one Sunday morning I woke up and my boobs were SO SORE (TMI, I know). I’m talking really sore – way more sore than when I’m on my period. I couldn’t figure out why this was happening, especially since I had just finished my period, but I figured I should take a pregnancy test just in case. VOILA! I was actually pregnant!!! As I stood there, staring at the 2 blue lines, I was trying to figure out the logistics. I remember reading about spotting when the embryo is implanting, so I just chalked it up to that! Who cares?! We’re pregnant!! I walked into the living room and asked Josh to come into the bathroom. His initial reaction was “what’s wrong now?” hehe :) I told him nothing, but just come here! As soon as he walked into the bathroom, he saw the stick and walked over like a zombie. He was really shocked that I had even taken a test, let alone that we were pregnant! We both hugged, and went on a run to Einstein Bagels to celebrate.
Now that I was officially pregnant, and what I calculated was 5 weeks along, I went in for blood work again. Everything came back positive this time! They like to do 2 rounds of blood work to make sure all your HcG and Progesterone levels are increasing, so I went in for another round of blood work. Already at this point, I’m so thankful I’M pregnant and not Josh! Can you imagine all the fainting that would’ve happened in those 2 weeks?! HAHA! Anyways, my Progesterone wasn’t high enough (mine was a 14, they want it at like a 19+), so I started taking Progesterone supplements. Apparently Progesterone is the hormone that helps your body hold the baby during the 1st trimester. A lot of women with low Progesterone levels miscarry. I scheduled my New OB appointment for 7 weeks and held my breath until then – seriously!! We went in and had our first ultrasound – everything was so amazing, small but amazing, and we saw our baby’s heartbeat for the first time! What an incredible sight! The ultrasound tech said the heartrate was a little slow for 7 weeks, but the baby is so small at that point (less than 1cm) that it’s really hard to tell. After meeting with the doctor, she told me we needed to come in a week later. Because my Progesterone was so low and the heartrate was slow, she was afraid we were miscarrying. At this point I hadn’t told ANYONE except Josh, and can I tell you what a terrible week this was for us?! It felt like the longest 7 days of my life! Thankfully, when we went in a week later, the heartrate was perfect and the baby was measuring at 6 weeks – which means I calculated the gestational age wrong! This would explain why the heartrate was so low at 6 weeks because it was really only 5 weeks! The fact they were able to find a heartbeat at 5 weeks in absolutely incredible!!! So, at that point the doctor put us at 6 weeks and gave us our due date – May 28. What a wonderful day!
We immediately started thinking about how and when we were going to tell our families. I really wanted to do it in-person. I knew we would be seeing my parents in 2 weeks to help them move, so we waited until then! Talk about anticipation! We had printed out a bunch of recent pictures to send to my grandma, so I slipped the sonogram picture in the mix, and asked my mom to “review” the pictures before we gave them to grandma. I seriously think I stopped breathing. When my mom got to the sonogram, she said “what’s this sonogram??” She looked at Josh and I, and then said “are y’all pregnant?!” And we all started freaking out and crying. It was such a special moment, and I’ll never forget that feeling and the look on her face. I think my mom and dad are finally warming up to the idea of being grandparents. We’re still working on “names” for them.
In complete contrast, Josh told his dad at Game 5 of the World Series. It was already such a special bonding time for them, we figured – what better time to tell him?! He was elated, of course.
We told Josh’s mom on her birthday. We got her a birthday card and inside that card, we put a “congrats” card. We taped a copy of the sonogram inside the congrats card and wrote “YOU’RE GOING TO BE A GRANDMA!” Again, the look on her face was priceless – it went from confusion, understanding to excitement in about 10 seconds! Haha! Josh’s mom is sooo excited to be a grandma – she’s picked out the name Coco, which I think is perfect!
Sooo…that gets you up to speed. From now on, we’re going to try to do his and hers stories. Of course, I’m going to have A LOT more stories to tell, so I might get on here and share some happenings, BUT now…its onto the 1st Trimester.
Love you all,
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