Wow - we are officially terrible bloggers. I feel like I've failed my blogging family because I made a promise to blog more. UGH! Life has just been really crazy lately...actually, when I say "life" I mean work. Work is busy. I got in a car accident yesterday afternoon (not a big deal, no one was hurt), but it really got me thinking about LIFE and how I've really failed to enjoy it lately. A job is only a source of income, not a LIFE and I really need to remember that.
These past couple months have been so crazy! We went on our vacation to the Dominican - it was amazing! Josh says Jamaica is better, I'm not quite sure still. I mean, they were both awesome trips, but I'm wondering if Jamaica was "better" because we were on our honeymoon and everything was so blissful. My solution: go to Jamaica again so we can compare. :)
After we returned from the DR we completely re-did our front flower beds - dug out all the current shrubs, tilled, soiled, planted, mulched, etc - it was a HUGE job, but the house looks much better now. Our alley neighbor, Cheryl, says holly bushes age a house more than anything else...well, we still have our holly bushes b/c those suckers are STUCK, but we took out everything else. We planted more monkey grass, azaleas and sweet broom. Looking back, I wish we would've included more colors and more flowers, but I think the perennials will grow more and more and really look great. Since we didn't put any flowers in the beds, I decided to add a small planter around our front tree, mainly for annuals and it looks great!! It really helps our house stand-out and look beautiful. I'm hoping to replant every season to really personalize the house.
We watched several of my sister's softball games, at OSU and Baylor, both series were great - mainly because we got to see my family and especially my sister!! I've really missed her since she's been going to college in Iowa.
We celebrated a wonderful Mother's Day with Josh's mom and family at Joe T Garcia's in downtown Fort Worth. That was such a great dinner. Then we spent time with my mom, on her way back from the Big 12 tournament, Josh made his famous burgers and we just caught up. Overall, Mother's Day was a huge success.
Then, we spent 4 days with my sister on her way back home from Iowa. The big news this season is my sister will not be returning to ISU. When my sister first presented this option I was pretty upset with her - why would you transfer before your senior year? You've spent 3 years with these girls, why not 1 more? Its your senior year! Turns out my sister was much more miserable than anyone would ever have thought. "The grass isn't always greener on the other side"...unless the grass you're sitting on is DEAD...then anything is better. Ultimately I agreed with her, and she's now a member of the UTSA softball team - GO ROADRUNNERS! :)
We recently spent the weekend in Austin, celebrating Father's Day. It's been a long time since we've been with my family on these type of holidays, it was SO nice, especially since my sister was there. I met-up with one of my best friends from high school, Lauren, at a precious wine house in Austin. It was so great seeing her, and spending some quality time. We went out to the lake on Saturday - ate some yummy BBQ, relaxed, got some sun, drank some beer - overall it was a great day! On Sunday, we took my dad to lunch at Iguana Grill on Lake Travis, the site of our rehearsal dinner. The view, food and conversation was so great - I really miss my family and wish we could see each other more often. Overall the weekend was a total success - I got to see my beautiful family and my beautiful best friend!!
Yesterday, I got in my car accident. I left work early for a doctors appointment, was heading north on Preston Rd (in the far left lane) and was approaching McCallum Rd. About 50 ft from the intersection, a car heading south turned left directly in front of me and I t-boned her. THANK GOD no one was hurt, just our cars. The girl later apologized, saying "she thought she saw a left arrow". I was just upset because I love my car so much. Today, I'm pretty sore and tight in the neck/back areas. My car is at the repair shop, waiting for insurance to sort out, and I'm driving some crappy VW (no offense F-I-L). After the wreck, I called my doctor to let them know I wouldn't make it and then informed me that "we don't have an appointment on the books for you today". Wow - I'm.Moving.Too.Fast.Bottom line.
Like I said before, work and life can sometimes stress you out, but it shouldn't take a car wreck for you to SLOWWW DOWNNNN. That's my goal for the rest of the year - enjoy life, celebrate little accomplishment, love my husband too much and SLOW DOWN!
Thanks everyone for reading, I'm so sorry for ignoring you for so long. As part of the "slow down process", I vow to blog and reflect on life more.
Love you,
Josh & I in the Dominican Republic - defeinitely recommend it!

Josh's 29th b-day party!

ISU games vs. OSU

ISU games vs. Baylor

My sister came to visit us!

My bestfriend, Lauren, and I
Father's Day lunch at Iguana Grill