Well, my fellow bloggers...its a new year. You know what that means...gotta make a resolution. I find myself constantly making the same New Years resolution - get fit. This takes on a whole new meaning, after being in the best shape of my life for our wedding. My goal is to get back into wedding shape, hopefully by the time we celebrate our 1-year anniversary!
My tactics to get fit:
1) run - 4 days/week
2) lift weights - 3 days/week
3) abs - 5 days/week
Well, enough of ME...let's talk about US...Josh & I had a wonderful Holiday season. We visited Josh's mom in Cleburne on x-mas eve and x-mas morning; then traveled to his dad's house in Ft. Worth on x-mas day and that night; then we drove all the way to my parents' house in Austin. All in all, I'd say it was the longest, most exhausting x-mas I've ever had! Forget waking up at 3am to see what Santa brought...try smiling and carrying on for 6 straight days! EEK!
After spending 3 days in Austin with my family, Josh & I headed back to Plano for 7 days of blissful relaxation. My office was closed Dec 24 - Jan 4, and Josh took off those days so we could spend them together. I must say...going to be early, waking up late, eating and drinking to our hearts content...nice way to spend the break!
Another important event on the horizon - we are closing on our first house on Jan 29! Here is a picture of our precious house. I've already bought the house in my mind...picked out paint, furniture & window treatments. What do you think?

Always remember to keep it real, have fun and smile.