WOW! It has been a really, really long time since I last blogged! Not much has happened since my last post in September, that's probably why you haven't heard much from me. Here are the highlights of the past 3 months and what's in store for our future...
We hosted Thanksgiving this year - that was a BLAST! The cooking went smoothly, much in part to my mom being here to help. I was more concerned about hosting 8 more people and making sure everyone was comfortable, etc. Overall it went well, and I've received many compliments, so that's nice!
We FINALLY found leather couches for the living room. It has been a long time coming and I'm sure the living room feels a little left out. We're getting the couch/loveseat today, so I'll have to post pictures later.
We're headed to Cleburne tomorrow, to celebrate Josh's grandma's (G-ma) birthday and x-mas with his mom and sister. Then we're driving to Austin to be with my family for x-mas and a couple days after. Part of me really wanted to host Christmas, mainly so we didn't have to drive I-35, but it will be nice to leave the hosting to my darling mother.
I have a feeling 2010 is going to be a GREAT year! We'll be celebrating 1 year in our gorgeous house, 2 years of wedded bliss, 4-year and 1-year b-days for our precious poochies, Josh is turning 29 and I'll be turning 26. I'm sure our parents are hoping for a baby notice, but I highly doubt that is happening in 2010. (knock on wood)
I finally decided what my New Years Resolution is going to be - running the Cowtown 10k in late February. That will be great training for a vacation bod...because SURPRISE! We've already booked our next vacation. We're headed to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic in early March. I can not wait to be on the beach, soaking up the sun without a care in mind - except what we're eating/drinking next.
I just feel so thankful this year - I have a wonderful husband who loves me more than I deserve, my family is amazing. I have friends and coworkers that deserve awards for being so awesome. My dogs are healthy, happy and adorable. We own a gorgeous home that we are continuously making "ours", we have disposable income to eat/shop/travel as we please. Overall, I am eternally grateful for all the blessing and can only thank God for making it all possible. We should all remember what this time of year is all about - celebrating the birth of Jesus, our savior.
God Bless you all this Holiday season and into the New Year. Thank you for being a part of my life and for everything you do.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Newest addition to the family
So it is done. As of around 8:30 last night, Kate welcomed the newest member to our family. I don't know if she has named it yet, but the iphone has arrived. Personally, I know I'm in the minority here, but I don't see what the big deal is. I would be fine without a cell phone, & in fact lived without one for my first 22 years. But I do have one. All I need is a phone that can call & text. I don't need one that can give me directions, order my dinner, & tuck me in at night. But my lovely wife wanted the iphone, & she's so happy to have it, therefore I'm happy for her. Still, I just see a phone as a phone, nothing that great. How do people get so geeked up about a phone? I just hope it doesn't steal my time away from her, but it can't be good that now she can carry Facebook with her everywhere she goes.
Shaking my fist at Apple & iphones,
Shaking my fist at Apple & iphones,
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Chillin with my dawgs
It's a cool, cloudy, lazy Saturday afternoon here in Plano & I'm relaxing on the couch with my 2 dogs, flipping back & forth between football games. Kate is at a bridal shower for one of her old co-workers, so it's just the 3 of us for a few hours. Schatzi had a big day yesterday, spending the day at the vet getting micro-chipped, a few teeth pulled, & getting spayed. Our poor baby girl did great though, & after a good night's rest she's back to her energetic self. We just need to make it through a week without her being too active so that the sutures stay in place.
Yesterday kinda gave us a glimpse of what it's gonna be like to have kids one day. Kate was all tears as she called me after dropping Schatzi off at the vet. Both of us were eager to get her back home & take care of her, just wanting her to be ok. I was very happy to pick her up at 4.
So we had our first real cool front blow through yesterday & it is really starting to feel like fall. I am looking forward to more cool weather & the holidays eventually getting here. Until then, everyone take care.
Yesterday kinda gave us a glimpse of what it's gonna be like to have kids one day. Kate was all tears as she called me after dropping Schatzi off at the vet. Both of us were eager to get her back home & take care of her, just wanting her to be ok. I was very happy to pick her up at 4.
So we had our first real cool front blow through yesterday & it is really starting to feel like fall. I am looking forward to more cool weather & the holidays eventually getting here. Until then, everyone take care.
Monday, September 7, 2009
happy ♥ b-day
We spent the 3-day labor day weekend in Austin, celebrating my parents' birthdays. My dad's b-day is September 2nd and my mom's is the 9th, so we typically celebrate the weekend between the two. I have to point out though, that they are 1 week and 1 year apart - my always makes sure people know that. We had a wonderful dinner at Fonda San Miguel, which has now been added to "Restaurants We Love" because this place was amazing! It's interior Mexican food, so it's not your typical tex-mex - but boy is it delicious! Good margaritas, too!
We went to Lake Travis on Sunday, and walked ON the lake - literally. The lake is 50 feet below normal, so we were able to walk around on land that is typically under 50 feet of water. Pretty impressive! We found arrow heads, and other cool artifacts - no dinosaur foot prints though. :)
Today, Monday, we left our adorable dogs at my parents' house because were going to Omaha on Friday for the weekend. I already miss them SO much - the house is so quiet, and I'm almost bored! But next weekend should be fun. We're going to the Arkansas State (Josh's Alma Mater) v. Nebraska game in Lincoln, and staying with Josh's Aunt & Uncle in Ashton.
Anyways, we had a great weekend, and are happy for a 3-day work week!
Love - Kate
the cutest babies ever
my awesome parents
Friday, July 31, 2009
Our 1-year anniversary & vacation to Cabo
So I've finally found the time to blog about our absolutely wonderful vacation. The past month, work & life in general, has been so hectic! I'm so glad we were able to get away for a week of total relaxation.
Anyways - back to the vacation... The flight was great. We upgraded to first class (*ahhhh*) on the way there; which entitled us to lunch - salmon salad for me (surprisngly good) and a BBQ chicken pizza for Josh (he loved it), more leg room (which is always appreciated by us freaks), de-boarding the plane first (if you know me, you know I am impatient, so this is great) and of course, drinks! drinks! drinks! Mimosas for me, vodka/sprite for Josh...and let me tell you, this is such a blessing for me on a plane! I absolutely HATE flying, so getting a little buzzed definitely helps, especially when traveling helps me get through customs when we arrive. Speaking of customs, it wasn't that bad in San Jose del Cabo - certainly better than Cancun & Montego Bay. We pre-booked a shuttle van to take us to the resort, which was really easy and totally convenient. Once arriving at the resort, we were greeted with a smiling senorita and a margarita - SALUD!
We stayed at the Riu Palace, which was absolutely amazing, in Cabo San Lucas. Everyone was so friendly, appreciative & service-oriented. I was nervous before the trip because there was a string of bad review on Trip Advisor, but everything far exceeded our expectations. The resort is all-inclusive, which means all the alcohol and food your little heart desires. If you know me, you know I practicaly starve myself before beach vacations (gotta look good in a bathin suit), so once I get out of the country...its pretty much ON! :) Needless to say, Josh & I always take full advantage of the all-inclusiveness.
Josh & I love to veg and do nothing on vacation, and this was exactly what we did - nothing (except a yummy couples massage & several strolls on the beach). Speaking of beach, the beach in Cabo is very different than any other beach we've ever been to. The beach down to the water drops off quite abruptly, almost like a cliff, allowing the HUGE waves to crash directly onto the beach. Its pretty impressive, and quite scary! Josh & I are pretty athletic, and I was afraid of drowning at one point. Anyways - I definitely do not recommend traveling to Cabo if you want to get in the ocean.
As I look at all our pictures, deciding which I want to print and display around the house - I can't help but think of how wonderful vacation is. Not only are we lucky enough to get PAID vacation time off, but we get to leave the country for an entire week. We are completely blessed.
Here are some pictures from our lovely vacation....
ENJOY! Love,
drinks on the terrace before dinner
the waves were really crazy this night. so bad they shook the sliding glass doors in our room.
our last day on the playa
last dinner in heaven
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Worst TV shows
There's a list in my head of classically crappy television shows. I can't think of them all right now, but the list usually includes shows such as "I'm 16 and pregnant", "Real Housewives of Atlanta", "NYC Prep", "American Idol", anything involving Paris Hilton, etc. The show currently in my cross hairs as I hunt down the worst current TV show...."The Bachelorette".
I don't want to narrow this post down to this one show, so I'm going to include the entire Bachelor/Bachelorette series. What a load of crap. First of all, how can anyone sane go into this thing, think they're gonna meet someone within 30 days & get engaged, then get married, & have it last forever. Ain't gonna happen. Sure, some people out there really do meet someone, fall in love & get married right away, & they spend the rest of their lives together. But on these shows, the Bachelorette is also dating up to 25 or more guys at the same time, so your time with the Princess is minimal. Oh, also IT'S ON TV, so it's not gonna work. It's the biggest ridiculously produced load of crap I've ever seen, it's laughable. I can seriously see the producers whispering in the Bachelorette's earpiece, "Ok, now lean in, kiss him, smile, hug him & tell him he's great. Ok, now Randy your turn, come step in & take her out in the back garden". Not to mention you have this choade Chris hosting the whole debacle. He's so predictable in his lines & mannerisms. IS he really necessary? Is the show really necessary???
The finale last night was all just so nuts. The happy couple got engaged,as scripted. Now guess what! Time to go back to the semi-real world & when life starts happening it's "Oh, you're really like this when I thought you were like that?" "Oh, you were just acting for the cameras & saying lines the producers fed you?" "I feel like I hardly know you." Duh! It's only a matter of time before Jillian (questionable from the start) & Ed call it off. Bet.
I don't want to narrow this post down to this one show, so I'm going to include the entire Bachelor/Bachelorette series. What a load of crap. First of all, how can anyone sane go into this thing, think they're gonna meet someone within 30 days & get engaged, then get married, & have it last forever. Ain't gonna happen. Sure, some people out there really do meet someone, fall in love & get married right away, & they spend the rest of their lives together. But on these shows, the Bachelorette is also dating up to 25 or more guys at the same time, so your time with the Princess is minimal. Oh, also IT'S ON TV, so it's not gonna work. It's the biggest ridiculously produced load of crap I've ever seen, it's laughable. I can seriously see the producers whispering in the Bachelorette's earpiece, "Ok, now lean in, kiss him, smile, hug him & tell him he's great. Ok, now Randy your turn, come step in & take her out in the back garden". Not to mention you have this choade Chris hosting the whole debacle. He's so predictable in his lines & mannerisms. IS he really necessary? Is the show really necessary???
The finale last night was all just so nuts. The happy couple got engaged,as scripted. Now guess what! Time to go back to the semi-real world & when life starts happening it's "Oh, you're really like this when I thought you were like that?" "Oh, you were just acting for the cameras & saying lines the producers fed you?" "I feel like I hardly know you." Duh! It's only a matter of time before Jillian (questionable from the start) & Ed call it off. Bet.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
One year
Just a quick little blog to mention that today marks one year of wedded bliss for me & Kate. We were talking about it the other day, how the year has flown by & we have done so much. i can remember our wedding day like it was yesterday. Happy Anniversary, babe! I love you so much!
This afternoon we fly to Cabo for a week of celebration & relaxation. I'm sure there will be a full report at some point after the trip. We can't wait to get there, settle in, & lay in the sun with drink in hand.
Adios, amigos!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
T minus 7 days......

I look up & find myself one week away from marking our first year of marriage. It's gone by quickly. I wouldn't say it's flown by but it's been a quick year. A week from today is the day, & to mark the occasion (& to just get the heck away from here & onto a beach) we'll be on our way to Cabo for a week. Just give me a 6-day sleeping pill & wake me up to pack the day before. Ok?
Kate turned 25 on July 10. Happy B-day hun! We celebrated the day with flowers, new jeans, chocolate cheesecake, & possibly the best dinner, steak or otherwise, either one of us have ever had. And lots of wine. Kate chose the Dallas Ruth's Chris steakhouse for herB-day dinner, which proved to be a most excellent selection. We skipped getting an appetizer in an effort to remain hungry when the steak & sides arrived, so we ordered 3 sides & each got a filet. The bring it out still sizzling, as advertised, & the taste doesn't disappoint. The accompanying sides were onion rings, mashed potatoes, & cream spinach. And a bottle of Shiraz. We finished full but not too full, trying to wrap our minds around how great everything was. Do yourself a favor & go there. ASAP.
We took the dogs to the vet on Saturday for Mav's annual shots & Schatzi's 4-month shots. Mav weighs 7.6 lbs & Schatzi 4.8 lbs. Both higher than what we thought. We filled the rest of the day with afternoon naps, a trip to Home Depot., & yard work later in the evening. Kate has been dying to take up the mulch in the front flower beds, & when I came back from my run she had started. It's safe to say I was less than thrilled to get started on this in 100+ degree heat, but marriage means that often its good to suck it up & do what the other wants to do over what you want to do, so I happily joined my lovely, profusely sweating wife in the task.
So hopefully we can get through this last pre-vacation work week without too much anxiety. Can't wait to get to Cabo, smell the ocean, feel the sun, have a margarita, & relax for a whole week.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Rough Creek Lodge
Working at an office with 22 women is a roller coaster ride, but we truly get along so well. This was such an awesome way to celebrate the anniversary. I just hope our boss celebrates our 11-year anniversary in such style! :)
The first day we did a GPS navigated scavenger hunt. We were split into 4 teams and were forced to answer Asher-specific questions and do different activities, once we found the "check points". It was cool because we got to try 10 of the activities offered at the lodge, without spending 3 full hours on 1 activity.
The second day we woke up really early (8am on vacation is no fun for Kate!)ache I, and we zip-lining and bungee jumping. This was alot of fun, except for the killer hangover headache I was sporting. After the aerobic activities, we went to the spaaaaahhh... The owner of our company gave us a $125 gift card to spend however we pleased (some women went skeet shooting or ATVing...I went to the spa). I got a Lomi Lomi massage, which was amazing. I definitely recommend that everyone try this style. Its representative of the Hawaiian waves, moving all over your body. Nice!
Both nights we had awesome cocktail hours and delicious dinners. I definitely recommend that EVERYONE goes out there. Josh & I will be going out there for a weekend getaway soon.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Coming up on the big time
I find myself sitting here at home tonight, with my 2 dogs napping, the lawn freshly mowed, a home-made burger for diner, & reflecting on how good everything is. The only downer is that Kate is currently on a company retreat & won't be home until Saturday afternoon. But, things are good. Tomorrow is our 11-month mark in our month from our 1-year & our celebratory trip to Cabo.
I've got to say I'm quite happy with my little family. Schatzi is blending in surprisingly well with Maverick. It's great for them to have a friend to hang out with & play with. Kate & I continue to grow together. It's crazy to think that we're already coming up on a year. I remember this time last year, how it was all so exciting & moving so quickly. Then we went to Jamaica, & this year it will be Cabo. I think traveling is going to continue to be a big thing for us; one of our priorities. I'm really excited to take a vacation, but I really can't wait for that feeling I get when I'm far away from everything else except Kate, & we're n a new place together.
So hurry back, hun! Me & the dogs are doing good, but we can't wait to see you again!
Love you!
I've got to say I'm quite happy with my little family. Schatzi is blending in surprisingly well with Maverick. It's great for them to have a friend to hang out with & play with. Kate & I continue to grow together. It's crazy to think that we're already coming up on a year. I remember this time last year, how it was all so exciting & moving so quickly. Then we went to Jamaica, & this year it will be Cabo. I think traveling is going to continue to be a big thing for us; one of our priorities. I'm really excited to take a vacation, but I really can't wait for that feeling I get when I'm far away from everything else except Kate, & we're n a new place together.
So hurry back, hun! Me & the dogs are doing good, but we can't wait to see you again!
Love you!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
our newest addition!

On Saturday, May 30th we welcomed Schatzi Sokolewicz into our home. She's a little girl, about 11 weeks old and will be a little smaller than Maverick. She has such a spunky personality and really gives Mav a run for his money. We are so happy to have another dog in our family...I just hope we sleep better than last night! :)
Some pictures:
I'm sure there will be plenty of stories and pictures to come.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Decisions, decisions......
Life is full of decisions everyday. Some big, some small. Some individual decisions, some group decisions, some family decisions, some ground braking decisions. White bread or wheat? Get out of bed or snooze a little longer? Take this job or take that job? Buy this house or that house? Book a vacation or spend money elsewhere (the bought house)? It's crazy to look back & see what results came out of certain decisions. I guess the best guide to follow when making a decision is to follow what is important to you, what are you comfortable with, & what makes you happy.
Being a married man now, I am faced with decisions all the time, & try to keep in mind what is best in the long run for my family. Sometimes, I'm reminded by my lovely wife that its good to live a little once in a while. We're trying to decide now on several items: furniture for the house, outdoor items for the house, proper monthly savings, & vacations. Kate & I both feel it is important to travel & see different parts of the world we'd like to see, take some time off from work to relax, & spend a little quality time together without outside emails, phone calls, or anything else invading out time together. It really is great to be together somewhere far away from everything/everyone else, to just relax & enjoy being together. So with all that said, we're faced with the ecision to take a vacation this summer to a Mexican beach, or to spend that $$$ on some stuff for the house. This should be decided in the very near future.
So on to other topics & goings on. Life is going great. Summer is getting closer & the weather is really warming up. I just downloaded music on an Ipod Shuffle Kate got me & it's awesome. We got an inflatable pool for the backyard. Thinking about getting another dog. Carrie (Kate's younger sister) is coming to stay with us for the coming week & that should give our home a shot in the arm of youth. Should be a lot of fun hanging out & showing her around our area. So that's about it. Just wanted to check in with everyone & catch you up on some things. Take care, have a wonderful day!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Art of Marriage
The little things are the big things.
It is never being too old to hold hands.
It is remembering to say "I love you" at least once a day.
It is never going to sleep angry.
It is at no time taking the other for granted;
the courtship should not end with the honeymoon,
it should continue through all the years.
It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives.
It is standing together facing the world.
It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family.
It is doing things for each other, not in the attitude of duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of joy.
It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways.
It is not expecting the husband to wear a halo or the wife to have wings of an angel.
It is not looking for perfection in each other.
It is cultivating flexibility, patience, understanding and a sense of humor.
It is having the capacity to forgive and forget.
It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow.
It is finding room for the things of the spirit.
It is a common search for the good and the beautiful.
It is establishing a relationship in which the independence is equal, dependence is mutual and the obligation is reciprocal.
It is not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.
-Wilferd A. Peterson
...this is one of my favorite poems, and was recited during our wedding. I find it a good reminder of what we promised each other, and how great WE can be.
It is never being too old to hold hands.
It is remembering to say "I love you" at least once a day.
It is never going to sleep angry.
It is at no time taking the other for granted;
the courtship should not end with the honeymoon,
it should continue through all the years.
It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives.
It is standing together facing the world.
It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family.
It is doing things for each other, not in the attitude of duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of joy.
It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways.
It is not expecting the husband to wear a halo or the wife to have wings of an angel.
It is not looking for perfection in each other.
It is cultivating flexibility, patience, understanding and a sense of humor.
It is having the capacity to forgive and forget.
It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow.
It is finding room for the things of the spirit.
It is a common search for the good and the beautiful.
It is establishing a relationship in which the independence is equal, dependence is mutual and the obligation is reciprocal.
It is not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.
-Wilferd A. Peterson
...this is one of my favorite poems, and was recited during our wedding. I find it a good reminder of what we promised each other, and how great WE can be.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
blessed weekend
This weekend has been so relaxing and very productive at the same time (never thought that could happen)...

Saturday we spent the day planting all the awesome plants (Sea Thunder Plantation & Asianic Lillies), trimming the 20 bushes in the front yard, mowing & edging. Let's just say, we were both sun burned and exhausted by the end of the day.

Josh and I both had Friday off, and boy was it a Good Friday! We slept-in until about 10:30 which is a huge accomplishment because we usually can't sleep in past 8am (mostly due to a licky dog). After tinkering around the house for awhile, we dropped Maverick off at PetSmart for a haircut, and swung by the AT&T store. I have just about had it with cell phone companies. I have been with AT&T since I first got my cell phone like 10 years ago, so I find it really hard to believe that they can't cancel my # on my parents' account and let me sign up on my husband's account AND get an iphone AND a data plan...I mean, its a win-win situation for them. UGH. So now, I have to wait another 8 months to get my iphone. By then, I'm going to be so over AT&T and their bs that I'll switch to Verizon!!! After sitting at the AT&T store for over an hour, we went to Garden Ridge (loves it), Calloway's Nursery and Home Depot.
Finally! We're home with a backyard full of plants! We finally dug a trench and buried the border for our flower bed, and laid a bunch of mulch around the crate myrtles and irises.
Saturday we spent the day planting all the awesome plants (Sea Thunder Plantation & Asianic Lillies), trimming the 20 bushes in the front yard, mowing & edging. Let's just say, we were both sun burned and exhausted by the end of the day.
Monday, April 6, 2009
another fabulous softball weekend
This weekend, we got to go to Austin!! Iowa State was playing UT, so we got to watch my sister play AND visit with friends and family! Traffic and crowds were crazy downtown because of Texas Relays, UrbanFest 2009, a skateboarding event and a UT football spring training game (and UT softball, of course)...all downtown around campus...but we still had an amazing weekend!
We had a yummy dinner at Kona Grill at the Domain on Friday night with my 2 bestfriends. Josh tried his first sushi (California roll) and he actually didn't spit it out or throw-up! Can we talk about this for a second? Josh is one of the healthiest people I know - he runs ALL the time, takes 2165123 vitamins everyday, drinks lots of H2O and visits the doctor regularly - but for some reason the boy won't eat a vegetable to save his life. He claims its because his parents force-fed him greenery as a child. Seriously, who's parents DIDN'T?? I just don't understand what tastes so bad about broccoli or zucchini? Of course, I could probably be a vegetarian...if it wasn't for my deep love of steak (and chicken)...oh well...I guess I'll just continue to make Josh take baby-steps towards veggies (you like that?).
We had a yummy dinner at Kona Grill at the Domain on Friday night with my 2 bestfriends. Josh tried his first sushi (California roll) and he actually didn't spit it out or throw-up! Can we talk about this for a second? Josh is one of the healthiest people I know - he runs ALL the time, takes 2165123 vitamins everyday, drinks lots of H2O and visits the doctor regularly - but for some reason the boy won't eat a vegetable to save his life. He claims its because his parents force-fed him greenery as a child. Seriously, who's parents DIDN'T?? I just don't understand what tastes so bad about broccoli or zucchini? Of course, I could probably be a vegetarian...if it wasn't for my deep love of steak (and chicken)...oh well...I guess I'll just continue to make Josh take baby-steps towards veggies (you like that?).
Saturday was gorgeous; not a cloud in the sky and temps in the low 80s. Josh got a pretty bad sunburn on both knees and his face (such a ginger). ISU lost in extra innings, but it was a really great game and my sister had some awesome plays. After the game, we ran over to Josh's grandma's house who lives around the corner from my parents. All of his aunts/uncles and his dad were in town visiting with grandma, so we decided to swing by and visit for a little bit. Its always great seeing family, especially people we don't get to see that often! After family-time we ordered pizza, took showers and watched the Final Four while sipping the finest boxed wine Austin has to offer.
Sunday was a little different story; the winds were blowing 30 WPM and the temps were in the mid-50s...totally brutal when not prepared. Needless to say, we were ready for THAT game to be over! After the game, we hit up the UT co-op and got some awesome gear and headed back to Plano.
All in all, it was an awesome weekend and I'm really anxious to get back to Austin to see and do everything we missed this time. On the top of our list: my other bf Ashley and Juan in a Million.
tailgating before the first game with my dad
Josh and I during the first game
with my mom and sister after the first game
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Not so much 27 anymore
Well yes, I can confirm the reports that my birthday was this past Tuesday. And yes, I'm not 27 anymore. In fact, I turned 28. That's 2 yrs away from.......I don't even wanna say. Turning 28 wasn't so bad. Really, it didn't even register a blip on my Richter scale. 25 was more traumatic. I have a feeling the next one in 2 yrs will cause me to be slightly depressed & not in the mood to celebrate. At all. So, let's recap.
The big day started out good enough with cloudy skies & rain. Yippee. I went to work as usual & sat thru a 3 hour meeting, & left early at 3. Thankfully the skies had cleared & I went for a jog, then walked Mav & cleaned up for dinner. And what a dinner! Kate took me out to Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steakhouse. Double eagle, because one just isn't good enough. Anywho, dinner was excellent. Started with Calamari, then the main course of filet with potatoes & mushrooms, & finishing with ice cream. There was an odd instance where one of the managers stopped by our table to tell us about their lounge area, complete with jazz musicians to play later that night. She went away & came back later to try to hard sell us & get us to put our names down & reserve a table. No thanks. What was funny was, after she left we looked over & the "lounge" area was pretty bare. Good thing we didn't reserve a table. But, it was a great dinner & exactly what I wanted for my b-day.
After dinner, because we weren't sufficiently stuffed enough, we came home & enjoyed slices of the delectable triple chocolate - Midnight Delight - ice cream cake Kate had got me. IT even had my name on it! Deeeeelish! This sent me into a food coma & soon lost conscience. I have to thank my lovely wife for a wonderful day. Love ya, babe!

So today I totally buckled. I am usually the strong one who INSISTS on following Lent rules...but today was no match for me. I don't know what the deal was, but I HAD to have Mexican food. And I'm not talking Taco Bell or Taco Bueno...I'm talking dirty, greasy Mexican food. One of our favorite Mexican restaurants is Ojeda's (in Plano, of course) and I just wouldn't settle for anything less. So of course Josh, being his encouraging-self, made me run before we gorged ourselves in Mexican delight.
I've never been so thankful for chips & salsa. We've gone to lunch several times since Lent started, and I've been really good about avoiding the chips...but today, I needed it. And it was good.
Anyways - I just had to share my weakness. I think I'm good for the rest of Lent.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Happy 28th!
I wanted to take a quick second to wish him a very happy birthday, and to thank his mother and father for having him.
Josh is the most fabulous person in the entire world, and I feel completely blessed everyday to wake-up beside him.
This picture was taken soon after Josh's 6th birthday...and I think he looks fabulous.
I love you, honey. Happy birthday!
Monday, March 16, 2009
our "initiation" into party hosting
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