Phew! This week was exhausting! Josh and I have been actively planning/implementing our wedding. From invitations, info cards and programs to DJs, string trios and straw fans...we've been frantically trying to plan this thing. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful fiance. Josh is so supportive, understanding and, most importantly, opinionated. Instead of sitting back and letting me plan everything, Josh has really been helpful with the planning process. He lets me know what he thinks, and for the most part he always has something beneficial to say.
On Friday, my work sponsored the annual Frisco Relay for Life. My life hasn't been directly affected by this horrible epidemic, so my initial reason for participating was to support my co-workers and be a good employee. At the beginning of the night they had a luminaria ceremony, which turned out to be a very emotional experience; it was so heartfelt, touching and enlightening - it really changed my attitude towards the entire event and I felt honored to be walking every lap around that field. The event ended at 6am Saturday morning. I, however, left around 12:30a because I'm cranky.
On Saturday, we went on a double date with Josh's sister, Emily, and her husband, Aaron. I always love spending time with the RRRRowans; they remind me alot of us and we get along really well. We went to
Fireside Pies at the Shops at Legacy; its a yummy coal-fired pizza joint with a great wine list and a killer brownie dessert.
Sunday was spent at church, running errands and buying a bed...oh, no biggie, we just made the biggest purchase to date. I never knew how difficult it would be to buy a mattress. Neither of us have bought one before, so we didn't really know what we were doing. We went to The Dump, picked one out, and that was that! It should be delivered next Saturday, so maybe then we can both experience a good nights sleep. A full size bed for 2 people over 6' is not cool.
Anyways, this weekend has been very eventful and fun. We always have grand plans of relaxing on the weekend, but it never ends up happening. I just think its hard to relax when I love doing things with my future hub! :)
I hope everyone has a wonderful week.
God Bless and remember, "Love each other and life comes easy."