
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Eviction Notice

Jacob has been served his moving papers. He has until June 5 to vacate his current living quarters and relocate to our house, or he will be removed on that date. Kate and I are predicting that he'll hold out until the 5th, but it would be nice if he came out earlier on his own. Time will tell. All kidding aside though, we're very excited to see the light at the end of the tunnel and we can't wait to meet our baby boy. --Josh

Monday, May 28, 2012

40-week Update

How far along? 40 weeks.  It's hard to believe that this whole time we've been counting down to today, and today is gone and we don't have our baby yet.  Kinda sad for me, actually.
Total weight gain: 27 lbs
Maternity clothes? Oh yes
Stretch marks? None
Sleep: It actually wasn't too bad this week.  Everytime I get up to pee, I just hope that a huge gush of water will never does :(
Best moment this week: Spending the 3-day weekend relaxing w/ my hubby!
Miss anything? With the weather warming up, I could really go for a margarita or some sangria...ugh!
Movement: Lots!
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Boy :)
Labor Signs: NADA.  I've had some mild cramping and sharp pains every once in awhile, but nothing serious.  And, according to my doctor, I'm 1cm dilated, 0% effaced and -3 station - WTF?!!!!
Symptoms: Gas, lower back pain, leg cramps, exhaustion and baby brain
Belly Button in or out? In...I think it will actually stay that way!  Can't believe it!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Trying to stay happy, but getting super uncomfortable and anxious!
Looking forward to: Our doctors appointment tomorrow - hopefully we'll schedule an induction date/time, and I'll finally be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel

Monday, May 21, 2012

39-week Update

How far along? 39 weeks
Total weight gain: 27 lbs
Maternity clothes? Oh yes
Stretch marks? None
Sleep: Still terrible
Best moment this week: We had another relaxing weekend, and it was so nice!  I got to relax in the pool for a little bit on Saturday, it felt so good to float and get the weight off my back, plus I got a good tan.  Will probably do that again next weekend!
Miss anything? Feeling comfortable, breathing normally, good sleep, WINE!
Movement: Lots!
Food cravings: Nothing, really.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Boy :)
Labor Signs: I really thought I was going into labor last night.  We went for a walk around sunset, and I was getting these really sharp groin pains that would only last a second or two and then go away.  And then my belly got really tight and it was almost hard to walk.  When we got home, I sat down and I felt contractions that started in my belly and went around to my back - they only lasted about 25-30 seconds each and were pretty sporadic, so I didn't bother timing them.  They eventually went away after an hour or so.  We went to the doctor today, and I was really hoping last night's fiasco helped dilate me, but NO!  Still 1cm.  Ugh!  Doctor scheduled another appointment for next Tuesday, which will be 40w1d, and at that point we'll schedule an induction for 41 weeks (June 4).  Really praying baby comes before then on his own!
Symptoms: Gas, lower back pain, leg cramps, exhaustion and baby brain
Belly Button in or out? In still, I can't believe it!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm getting a little moody, but trying to stay positive and happy!
Looking forward to: Meeting our sweet baby boy!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pregnancy favorites

Everyone keeps asking me for my "must have" list, so here you have it...
Vaseline - My lips got so dry throughout my entire pregnancy, so this was a definite lifesaver!
Vaseline Aloe Fresh lotion - I can't stand the smell of any of the stretch mark creams, so I've been lathering this stuff on at least once a day since about 15 weeks.  It smells great, and can be used all over the body - not just on your belly!
Water bottle - Drinking the recommended amount of water during pregnancy (64 oz) is much easier when you have a "go to" water bottle.  I love my Camelbak, and take it with me everywhere I go!
Nature Valley Oats & Honey granola bars - These are delicious, nutritious, and easy to carry with you on the go.  We keep a jumbo 24-pack in the pantry at all times.
Oil of Olay Ultra Moisture bar soap - Like I mentioned previously, my skin has been so dry throughout this pregnancy, including my face, so I switched to this soap early on.  It smells awesome and keeps my skin moisturized throughout the day - love it!
Chobani Greek yogurt - As you approach the end of your pregnancy, your stomach won't have room for large meals (or small meals), so I've turned to this stuff - it's packed with tons of protein for your growing baby, and comes in some great flavors!  My favorites are strawberry, pineapple and mango.

Monday, May 14, 2012

38-week Update

How far along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain: 27 lbs - lost a pound this week!
Maternity clothes? I'm actually trying to avoid wearing clothes all together... ;)
Stretch marks? None
Sleep: Way too many thoughts running through my head to actually sleep
Best moment this week: We had a really relaxing weekend, so that was really nice.  And seeing our bambino on the ultrasound today was awesome!  He's measuring 7lbs 19.8" now.
Miss anything? Feeling comfortable....and wine ;)
Movement: Lots!
Food cravings: Eating is becoming hard, so no.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Boy :)
Labor Signs: Cramps, false labor contractions, stretching in my pelvis, and I'm still only 1cm dilated.
Symptoms: Gas, lower back pain, leg cramps, exhaustion and baby brain
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy!
Looking forward to: Meeting our sweet baby boy!
Sister-in-law, Mother-in-law, Gma-in-law and me on Mother's Day! :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Jacob's Nursery!

Jacob's nursery is FINALLY complete and I absolutely love everything about it! It turned out just as I imagined, and I really hope Jacob enjoys it as much as I think he will! :)

I can't wait to spend hours in that rocking chair, nursing, reading, napping and cuddling.
As hard as I tried to keep the nursery sports-neutral, I couldn't resist his first basketball.
Bookcase full of my old books, my sister's old rocking horse, and the shelf above the dresser has lots of our old toys from when we were babies (none safe to play with now, but they look cute).  Still waiting for the custom changing pad cover, but that will eventually go on the dresser!
I'd say he has plenty of clothing options...hopefully he doesn't grow like a weed and outgrow this stuff too quickly!
Figured I should also include a picture of his little corner in our bedroom, where he'll be sleeping the first few months he's home.  Complete with his first teddy from my Aunt Bobbie.

37-week Update

How far along? 37 weeks...full term, baby!! :)
Total weight gain: 28 lbs still...haven't gained in a few weeks, which is totally fine with me!
Maternity clothes? Oh, yes.
Stretch marks? None
Sleep: These days it's not achiness/soreness, it's my BRAIN!  I can't shut it off!
Best moment this week: We bought all the last essential items, finished the nursery and packed our hospital bags...we are officially ready for this baby and I CANNOT WAIT!!!!
Miss anything? There are soo many things I miss, but as the end of this pregnancy nears, I'm getting sad about all the things I'm going to miss - all the kicks, hiccups, sweet movements, etc.
Movement: Lots!
Food cravings: Water, cantelope, strawberries, watermelon and Chobani greek yogurt!!!!  This Texas heat is kicking my butt, and I think I'm hydrating through these foods.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Boy :)
Labor Signs: Cramps, false labor contractions, stretching in my pelvis, and I'm officially 1cm dilated.
Symptoms: Gas, lower back pain, leg cramps, exhaustion and I should probably add "baby brain" to this list now (it actually should've been on this list months ago!)
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy!
Looking forward to: Meeting our sweet baby boy!

Well...we went to the doctor today, and I'm still only 1cm dilated.  Darn!  However, the doctor said we don't really care about that, what we really want are contractions.  She also couldn't confirm whether Jacob is still head down, so we'll go for a sonogram next Monday to check.  Praying he's head down and a c-section isn't needed!!!  I plan to start walking every night to promote contractions.

On a separate note, my sweet 93-year old Grandma passed away over the weekend.  She suffered a massive stroke on Friday, which put her in a coma, and she eventually died early Sunday morning.  Selfishly, my initial reaction was sadness that she wouldn't get to meet Jacob.  But, I know she was ready to be in heaven with my Grandpa.  I thank God that I had the opportunity to spend a few days with her in November, and I know she'll be in that delivery room to welcome Jacob into this world.  My entire family is going to New York this week for the funeral, so as badly as I want to meet our baby, hopefully he'll wait atleast another week...

Friday, May 4, 2012

Baby brain ramblings

All of our friends that were due before us have delivered their babies, so we're officially next in line and I seriously cannot wrap my brain around it!  In 1 month, I will have a BABY BOY, I will be a MOMMY, Josh will be a DADDY, and the next chapter of our lives will officially BEGIN.  God has blessed me (us) with a smooth pregnancy, for which I'm so thankful - I just pray that it continues through my labor and delivery! :)

My mind doesn't shut off these days - whether I'm at work, home, in the car, trying to fall asleep - I'm constantly thinking about little Jacob and all the things I want to do before he gets here, to make his environment as peaceful as possible.  I have such an A-type, controlling personality, it's been really hard the last few weeks to just relax.  It was even hard for me to write "things I want to do" vs. "things I need to do", but I'm slowly starting to learn that no one is perfect, including me, and I can only physically do so much.  Josh has been such a HUGE help during this entire pregnancy - I really don't know what I'd do without him!

Anyways, we went to the doctor on Tuesday and I'm officially 1cm dilated.  My doctor said I could go into labor at any moment, so have your hospital bags packed and the carseat ready.  This, obviously, set me into a total frenzy...which Josh is still trying to recover from. :)  I immediately started a to-do list, which MUST get done this weekend:

- purchase all remaining necessities (breastpump, stroller, a few clothing items, diaper bag, etc.)
- assemble all items baby will use at the beginning (swing, pack n' play, etc.)
- finish nursery (storage system in closet, organize, etc.)
- wash all items baby will use at the beginning (bottles, breastpump, clothes, blankets, etc.)
- pack hospital bags for real (we "packed" them for our trip to Austin last weekend just in case, but now its for real)

...hopefully I'm not forgetting anything.  I probably am, which is the case 99% of the time these days. :)


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The calendar

At work they always send out a calendar document for the upcoming month, so employees can print it out & see what events are coming up, holidays, employee birthdays, etc. So here comes the May calendar, staring me in the face, & all I can wonder is, “Which day will be Jacob’s?” While his due date is the 28th, baby’s miss their due dates all the time. He could be a few days early, or even go late into June possibly. It interests me that I’m looking at all these dates on the calendar as possibilities right now, but soon I’ll view one as different from all the rest. It will be the date my son was born, the date I entered parenthood for the rest of my life, the date Kate became a Mom, & the date we’ll celebrate him every year moving forward (hopefully the same story for one or two other kids too, if we’re lucky). We’re at 36 weeks today & the time is approaching quickly. We’ll be putting the finishing touches on the house & buying the last few items we need. We’ll have our overnight bags packed & ready to go for the hospital & we’ll of course keep praying for Jacob’s (& his momma’s) well-being. This May will be different & better than any other May I’ve experienced.